A book that touched my heart

A book that touched my heart No. I am not going to talk about Harry Potter. Or Percy Jackson. Or The Da Vinci Code. They all are brilliant books but they never touched me emotionally. I felt like I was a character in those books. But it is a different experience in the book I am going to talk about. "Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry' is a book written by Mildred.D.Taylor. It talks about the hardships and plight of the coloured children in Jackson, in the southern state of Mississippi. Simple gifts, those that we consider ordinary and take for granted are a blessing to them. They walk for hours to school while the white children with a heart full of contempt come to school in a bus, never thinking about their predicament if they were coloured. They however enjoy the simple blessing of education and are fascinated by receiving a book of their own as none of them have their own book other than the Bible. This...