#Unrecognised Inequality

                                          #Unrecognised Inequality

   Should 33% seats be reserved for women in the parliament ? No ! 

The Parliament has been the symbol of the Indian democracy and republic for decades but the problem here is in the root itself !! This democracy moves and walks with politics. But if the thought structure changes in the roots itself , voila, we may just remove any gender differentiation.

Women Parliamentarians, Just like that Cartoon, Women?s Annexe ? after we  anne...

Why does nobody feel that in the process of giving gender equality we are demoting women's stature by implying that they can't claim these seats by merit ! It is a huge insult said right on their face in the name of gender equality ! This stereotyping of women has made our thoughts trapped in a box. Never believing that the world has moved on into a new society open to all, embracing thoughts without any prejudice, because the next new might just change the country.     

Has anyone even thought about the fact that reserving seats for women is the heart of gender inequality in the world of politics. What would you feel like when somebody says -You cannot win seats on your own but because of the gender inequality issue they are reserved.

Some might say how this will cause rule of men. No ! Women will be dominant in the political field after realising that they will be judged by merit and not the fact that they are women.

This thought will instil them to cross bigger barriers and wipe out the gender difference and bring about a  catapult of confidence that will propel them to greater heights.They have started dominating in fields like cricket, gymnastics and badminton. Politics might just be the big leap. 

It can change the way men look at women. They won't look at them as inferior but may look at them as superior in the forthcoming years. A new thought structure is what we require. It just needs to be imbibed by the roots. Gradually, we will remove the idea of gender inequality.

To change something you just need a cause ,conviction and a little bit of faith. That's all.Nothing more.

We need a change. This is it.

Believe me, this will prevent you from starting your introduction with your gender :)

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